A red-letter day today. First, I noticed I have two comments - thankyou Ladydi and Frogdancer! One of these days I will work out how to respond.
Second, I showed the children this blog. They were fascinated, especially by the bits about themselves. Running Boy says he was
not "terrified" about skin cancer. Princess Pea debated several pseudonyms before deciding she was happy with Princess Pea after all. Cheekus Weekus wanted more pictures of himself and his guinea-pig. All wanted to know why there weren;t more photos (answer: becuase I;m still wokrng out how, and half the photos I planned to post seem to have vanished fomr the hard drive.) The CFO, who is not actually a child, objected to my description of NYE before admitting it was accurate.
Finally, I have been puplished on What's That Bug and Cicadamania. Pity I can't type. I'll now go and have a Bex and a lie down to recover from all this glory.