Courtesy of the Neighbours location scouts we have a bikie hive in our neighbourhood today and tomorrow. I have no idea what the storyline is.
That street is full of production trucks and as we walked to school this morning Cheekus Weekus and I saw motorbikes being unloaded. I fancied a brilliant green chopper and Cheekus had his eye on a maroon-and-black cruiser, a black-studded Harley and a very cool bike with Hot Wheels flames on the tank. We also got to see a stuntperson (we think) riding up to work, one awesome rider. Cheekus was a bit worried about her getting hurt doing stunts but reasoned out that they would all have practised first, "probably on soft sand for when they fell over".
On the way back I witnessed some action, a local bus struggling to get past a production truck. A roadie got harangued by an elderly brolly-waving passenger, the bus moved on, and it was all over.